Blog 19/12/2018 - Different Dog Behaviours + Faces and What They Mean!
Have you sometimes been wondering what your dog is feeling or what your dog wants from you? The thing is, every look or even your dogs body language portrays what they are feeling or what they need. Even the position that your dog sleeps in means something!
Over the next few weeks at The Pampered Pet we will be posting up plenty of helpful tips that give you an insight into reading your dogs behavior. Here are 5 common dog behaviors, explained in human terms, to kick us off;
1) Puppy dog eyes
If there is anything an owner loves more it's when your dog gives you those big puppy dog eyes! This is your dogs way of saying they love you but most of all that they trust you.
2) Awaiting your approval
If you find your dog looking at you before they are about to do something, this means they respect and desire your opinion. Your loved one is waiting for you to confirm their actions. He/she understands you are in charge and does not want to upset you but wants to make you happy.
3) Squinting or blinking of the eyes
This means your dog wants attention and is ready to spend some one on one time with you. Have you had a busy day and been too busy to show your pet some love? If so, make some time. It’s rewarding for both of you and will make your pup extremely happy!
4) Staring
You will notice even low maintenance dogs have a need for your attention. By staring at you they just want your attention and affection.
5) Tongue out studying you
When your pup does this, it’s a sign they are content, happy and chilled out. This is usually their expression after getting the attention they crave.
See 6 -10 dog faces and what they mean by clicking here