Meet Some Of Our Sponsored Pups
Here at The Pampered Pet we care about giving back. That's why 1 % of all proceeds goes to supporting Guide Dogs SA/NT. We get great enjoyment out of receiving regular information on how our the pups are going.
Here are some updates on a couple of the pups we sponsor:

Here's puppy-in-training, Fergus, making the most of the public holiday at his local dog park.
Fergus knows when his coat comes off it's time to play!

This is Milan who is all grown up now. These days, she has a very impawtant role as a Brood mother, nurturing the next generation of Guide Dogs, Autism Assistance Dogs and Therapy Dogs.

Puppy in training Frankie loved Christmas. Lots of treats and toys were enjoyed in the making of this photo!
For More information on what the Guide Dogs Do or to support the Guide Dogs click here